Favorite Wall in Austin for Blog 2

The Past is Still Recorded Online

This blog is out of use and out of date. I am now posting on mercedesorten.blogspot.com

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

John was a sweetheart last night!

John, the 93 year old I take care of, was a doll last night. Really brightened my week. He smiled at me so many times, and even suggested I read an article in the Daily Camera about centenarians of Boulder. See (http://www.webster.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?va=centenarians) and (http://websearch.dailycamera.com/bdc/web/searchResults?site=BDC&searchType=site&searchString=centenarian&GoSearch.x=11&GoSearch.y=11) for details. John is excellent, I love him!
That, and I have 41 pages DONE of my thesis, and my thesis advisor is ready and willing to read my current draft. I've been editing since 6 AM over breakfast so I could email her a "nice" draft, and I think I accomplished that task, so now, I think I will sleep. No yoga at 10:30 today, I'll do it later. I'm more flexibe in the evenings, anyway.

And wow, do I want to change this web address. I need some inspired ideas, though. All my inspirtation and energy is currently flowing into my thesis, which I hope to write 25 more pages of by the end of the week. That's a little steep, I know, but my thesis advisor calls me tenacious and by god I'll live up to such a compliment any day!


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I am a marathoner. That means I have a tummy that could sieze a spider.