Favorite Wall in Austin for Blog 2

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Thursday, April 02, 2009

Bicycle Sport Shop Bike Commuter Challenge

I still don't have my dream commuter bike. Despite this, I am still I'm thinking about doing this bike commuter challenge: http://www.austincommuterchallenge.com/

A message from Patti Hill: The contest will take place in May — Bicycle Month in Austin. Cyclists can pick one of two leagues in which to compete — the Committed Commuters, who will compete May 4-31, or the OK I’ll Try It league, who will compete May 11-17.

Participation is free.

The challenge aims to promote cycling as a green alternative for trips to work, school, the grocery store or anyplace else you’d normally drive. The store’s goal is to reduce the amount of carbon emissions by 97,000 pounds, burn a bunch of calories and save $22,000 in gas money.

Who's with me?!

Current book I'm reading: The Reader

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