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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Murder will out, this my conclusion.

Attribute that quote to the great, and classic Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?-1400) a British poet in a Nun's priests Tale.

So, officially as of 4:10 pm MST yesterday, I have completed my English Literature Honors thesis. My thesis defense began at the harrowing hour of 3pm, where if you were near me you'd find me pacing, heels clicking mechanically up and down a hall in front of the room that will forever be infamous for me: chemistry 146. I entered this seminar room and, at the prompting of my thesis advisor (the brilliant Nan Goodman) I sat at the head of the table. Other members of my committee were the illustrious and complimentary Emma PĂ©rez and the favorite, Anne Marie Pois. The defense was quite possibly the most intense hour of my life to date. More nerve wracking and difficult than any interview or examination, I did make it through unscathed. I fielded questions about my research method, the theory that I chose to analyze the literature with, the theory that I didn't choose, the autobiographies I used in my analysis ( #1, #2 and #3 ), the autobiographies I didn't use, my method, my reasoning, the implications of my thesis among many other things. My mouth was dry from talking so much and nerves 10 minutes into this very official defense. My advisors, needless to say, were unforgiving.

Ah, my first dry yet luscious taste of academia at its very best. Quite possibly the most gratifying thing I have ever done. It is so sweet. I can almost taste the sweetness of graduation quickly approaching now. I welcome graduation now that I have completed my largest, most looming goal of my undergraduate career. I have completed it, and graduation is no longer unwelcome, I'm ready for it to come on now with no regrets. I can not tell you how fabulous this feels.


  • At 11:19 AM, April 06, 2005, Blogger Jessie K. said…

    yay!!! mercedes survived!!! and were all luckier for it!!! and no more thesis consuming her every coherent and waking moment... woohoo!!!!


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