Favorite Wall in Austin for Blog 2

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Thursday, April 07, 2005

cantankerously colored curiously clad centipede

Need a boost? Try coloring! It worked for me at www.coloring.com! It will not fail! Despite some unfortunate events that occured last night, I am still on this high on life. I think I must contribute much of it to the sunshine, to coloring online, to friends, to food, and to music. Despite everything, the sun is setting on a beautiful day, folks. Because the thesis is PERFECT (take that, Nan Goodman), the friends are around, and mannequin makeout is playing yet again in Denver. Who's ready for the festivities of the night? I am!


  • At 12:20 PM, April 08, 2005, Blogger Jessie K. said…

    mercedes, you are absolutely fabulous. never forget that. also, your thesis is perfect!!! can anything beat that? anyways, have a wonderful day and give me a call sometime!

  • At 7:38 AM, April 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I love this idea by the way. There is and has been no day where coloring would settle me down. You've seen my coloring book collection. You coulld borrow one if you ever need it. :) love you!


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