Favorite Wall in Austin for Blog 2

The Past is Still Recorded Online

This blog is out of use and out of date. I am now posting on mercedesorten.blogspot.com

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Do it. It will be amazing.

This postsecret.com post secret is so right. I wish that I would "do it" every single day of my life. Every day there is a little sign, a tiny push, a miniscule drive to move forward with life and go for your dreams and we all need to learn to listen to that voice every single time that it speaks. The two marathons that I have ran have helped me start to listen to it.


2008 AT&T Austin Marathon. Me with my mom and dad.

And it really will be amazing. Believe me.

Current book I'm reading: Marianne Williamson

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

This is Where I Used To Live - Boulder Flatirons

Boulder Flatirons
Originally uploaded by pachecod.

I really miss this place today. I used to hang out in Chautauqua Park almost weekly with a blanket and a book after a run up Green Mountain, the mountain that the Flatirons rest on. There is nothing like this in Austin, TX and I miss seeing this beautiful site every day as I walked through my small hometown of Boulder. A lot of people in Austin ask me "Why on earth would you leave a place like that?" Sometimes I stop and ask myself the same question.

Austin does have it's beauty. I saw it last night when I was leaving the grocery store. The store was on a hill and it was late evening. It had been a cloudy day and the entire sky was covered with blue gray clouds, except for the horizon. I looked out around me on that hill, and noticed that the clouds had sort of lifted from just the horizon only, and the orange, purple and blue sunlight peeked through 180 degrees around me. The sunset that laced the horizon was beautiful, and I rejoiced at that moment and stood there for 3 or 4 minutes, just looking. I took a deep breath in and drove home.

I do love Austin, TX. And there was a reason I moved here. Though I do miss the mountains and being a "Mountain Girl" I can always go back and visit! I plan on going back in May for the Telluride Mountain Film Festival over Memorial Day weekend.

Celebrate the beauty of each day!

I am a marathoner. That means I have a tummy that could sieze a spider.