My goal is to write a 50,000 word novel by the end of 2008. Goals are easier to achieve when you embark on them with others, so let me know if you want to join me!! Send me an email or write a comment, please!
The subject of your novel/creative work doesn’t matter.
The content, plot, or characters do not matter.
The output is what matters at this point.
I’ve been putting off writing my ‘great American novel,’ waiting for some sign or some monumental story to fall into my proverbial lap.
I’ve had enough of waiting. I’m just going to do it. Please, someone, join me.
So, to make this happen I need to write approximately 1615 words per day. I just need to let my stream of consicousness flow. My inner editor will be turned OFF. There will most likely not be a focus or moral or anything of that sort. I am hoping something with materialize, but I’ll worry about that later. The goal here is just to write and get what is inside of me OUT. It’s an exercise of commitment. It’s a writing marathon!!
I got the idea from
They do this in November as a community, and though it would be cool to wait until they start up again, as I said before, I’ve had enough of waiting. I missed it in November so I’ve decided to do it on my own in December with the tips and help of NaNoWriMo.
Who’s with me? People please join me!!! I may make a 43 things group for this so look out for it!